About me
Dear guest, I am happy to welcome you to my creative space.

I am artist and designer. I am engaged in oil painting, painting of fabric in various techniques of batik, design and making accessories from fabric and leather, digital graphics.

One of directions in my creative activity is lyrical landscape.

Most often the motifs of my paintings are modest secluded places, devoid of bustle and active movement, living their own unhurried mysterious life, where my soul was lucky to experience bright and happy emotions. To capture the fragility and fleetingness of the moment, to allow myself and then the viewer to plunge once again into that moment of subtle happiness - the state for which I create my paintings.

In my works I use the technique of oil painting multilayered thin glaze in combination with solid volumetric strokes. This technique most fully helps me to express all the emotions and feelings evoked by the landscape.

Another significant direction of my creativity is painting on fabrics in different batik techniques. I like batik for its spontaneity and unpredictability. The paint flows on the fabric according to its mysterious laws, giving rise to unique effects and prompting a new creative solution. And often in the process of work I feel like a spectator, admitted to the delightful mystery, the final of which is always an unexpected and pleasant surprise. From these sensually painted fabrics I create clothes, accessories, furnishings and decorative panels.

I have a higher art education:1994-1999 Vitebsk state univerity named P.M, Masherov, Vitebsk, Belarus, art graphic faculty.

Constantly improving my skills and abilities, taking part in international exhibitions and competitions. I have awards in competitions listed below:
The best reward for hat design in the category of "Hats" and the jury prize for the hat design in the design competition Taito fashion Zakka fair 2019 , Tokyo, Japan, 2019 https://www.taito-zakka-fair.jp/prize2019/
The best reward for bag design in the category of "Bags" and prize place for the design of the headdress in the category of "Hats" in the design competition Taito fashion Zakka fair 2018, Tokyo, Japan, 2018 https://www.taito-zakka-fair.jp/prize2018/
Winner of the contest "Secrets of sea waves" with the work "Sea stories" (batik) in the framework of the international exhibition of arts and crafts "Paints of the Soul", Minsk, Belarus, 2011.
The winner of the photo contest EPSON "My favorite photo 2008" with the work "Girls in black" in the category "photoart", Moscow, Russia, 2008.